October 23, 2024

AmCham launches mentoring program for young professionals

PUBLISHED : July 03, 2024 - 15:56

UPDATED : July 03, 2024 - 15:56

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Chair of AmCham Young Professional Program Matthew Lee (AmCham)

The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea said Wednesday that it has kicked off the Young Professionals Program to empower emerging leaders and strengthen Korea-US ties.

Hosted and supported by AmCham, YPP provides young professionals in their 20s and 30s with networking opportunities with industry leaders, government dignitaries and seasoned experts. This also sets the ground for delicate discussions on business initiatives and policies pertinent to AmCham member firms in Korea.

AmCham Chairman and CEO James Kim stated, “With our extensive network within the AmCham platform, we are uniquely positioned to support young leaders with resources, mentorship and growth opportunities in international business.”

The program also aims to enhance future Korea-US relations by reaffirming the importance of investing in human capital.

“Our goal is to guide their journey to success, thereby reinforcing the two nations’ alliance and contributing to global economic advancement,” added Kim.

A notable offering of the program is the exclusive mentorship by high-level executives from diverse business sectors, including members of AmCham’s senior leadership.

Google Korea Country Director Kim Kyoung-hoon also dived into the program, inaugurating the mentorship component during the kickoff meeting on June 27.

“There is a strong desire for aspiring professionals to expand their networks to design their own career path. I believe that the YPP will serve as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to establish themselves in their respective fields and achieve their long-term goals,” said Matthew Lee, chair of the AmCham YPP.

AmCham added that the program will include networking events, speaker panels and community service.

By Park Se-ra (

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