September 20, 2024

Samsung SDI aims to mass-produce all-solid-state batteries in 2027

PUBLISHED : March 05, 2024 - 11:39

UPDATED : March 06, 2024 - 17:14

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  • 페이스북
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(Samsung SDI)

Samsung SDI, a major South Korean battery maker, said Tuesday it aims to mass-produce all-solid-state batteries (ASBs) in 2027 to meet demands in the upcoming era of electric vehicles (EVs).

Samsung SDI has outlined its preparations for ASBs, which it calls a solution to fire-prone lithium-ion batteries, ahead of a local rechargeable battery exhibition, InterBattery 2024, that kicks off Wednesday for a three-day run in Seoul.

An ASB is a next-generation battery solution with a filling of solid electrolyte that helps reduce fire risks and enhance driving range in EVs.

"Our preparations for mass-producing next-generation products of various form factors, such as ASBs, are well under way as we are set to lead the global battery market with our unrivaled 'super-gap' technology," Samsung SDI Chief Executive Choi Yoon-ho said in a statement.

The pilot line for ASBs with the industry-highest energy density of 900 watt-hours per liter was set up in Samsung SDI's R&D center in Suwon, just south of Seoul, last year and is currently producing proto samples, the statement said.

The Samsung battery affiliate also promoted its ultra-fast charging technology that reaches 80 percent charge from 8 percent in just 9 minutes when it comes to prismatic batteries. It aims to carry this technology development to a mass-production phase by 2026.

In other advanced technologies, Samsung SDI said it will develop and mass-produce a battery solution that lasts more than 20 years by 2029. (Yonhap)

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