October 18, 2024

Posco threads new life to old uniforms for Philippine communities

PUBLISHED : July 26, 2024 - 16:54

UPDATED : July 26, 2024 - 16:58

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Posco employees, NGO officials and Filipino residents pose for a photo during the ceremony marking Posco Group's donation of uniforms held in Tarlac in the Philippines on July 2. (Posco Group)

Posco Group announced Friday that it donated 30,000 uniforms that no longer serve its employees to be upcycled for communities in the Philippines affected by disasters.

After introducing new uniforms in February, Posco sought ways to utilize the former ones. This latest effort brings their total number of donated uniforms to 100,000, following previous donations to vulnerable groups in Mongolia and Madagascar.

The company collaborated with non-governmental organizations active in international relief work to donate the uniforms to Igting, a social enterprise that aids the self-sufficiency of low-income families in the Philippines.

The donated uniforms will be upcycled into new clothing and bags by women in the Towerville neighborhood, a resettlement area for urban migrants in the Philippines.

Posco highlighted that this project not only emphasizes resource recycling but also supports the livelihoods of the relocated women through profits from the repurposed products.

Around 300 people, including members of Posco's social contribution department, partner NGO representatives and local residents, participated in the donation ceremony on July 2.

"We hope that Philippines' female householders, who are starting anew with uniforms imbued with the dedication and hard work of Posco employees, settle well and continue to prosper," said a company official.

In addition to donating uniforms, the employees also provided essential daily items to underserved communities and participated in construction volunteer activities using the group's steel plates to build housing for those displaced by natural disasters.

Beyond overseas uniform donations, Posco engages in various social contribution projects worldwide. In January next year, it plans to undertake eco-friendly construction, cultural performances and educational volunteer activities in Cilegon, Indonesia.

By Kim Jun-hong (

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