September 02, 2024

Samsung plans April launch for Galaxy Quantum 3

PUBLISHED : April 21, 2022 - 09:20

UPDATED : April 21, 2022 - 09:23

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The Samsung Galaxy Quantum 3 is on display. (SK Telecom)

Samsung Galaxy Quantum 3, the latest midrange 5G smartphone powered by a chipset with quantum cryptography technology, is poised to start shipping on April 26 in South Korea, domestic mobile carrier SK Telecom said Wednesday.

The chipset with quantum random number generators will allow access for smartphone users to security features for digital activities via mobile apps -- ranging from mobile banking to payments, social networks and games -- as well as for external data storage.

“These days, smartphones are playing a pivotal role in financial transactions, which makes Samsung Galaxy Quantum 3 the most reliable device in this regard,” Lim Bong-ho, chief mobile officer of SK Telecom, said in a statement.

Unlike its predecessors, the Samsung Galaxy Quantum 3 will feature a “quantum indicator,” which shows users whether the quantum cryptography works in the phone.

The new smartphone will retail for 618,200 won ($500) including value added tax. Preorders will be accepted from Friday until Monday in Korea.

Moreover, the new phone boasts a 6.7-inch screen, a display with a 120-hertz refresh rate, 8-gigabyte random access memory and a 108-megapixel rear camera.

Samsung has worked with SK Telecom and its Switzerland-based subsidiary ID Quantique, a cryptography solutions provider, for Galaxy Quantum series since 2020. SK Telecom is the sole Korean telecom carrier that sells quantum-protected smartphones.

By Son Ji-hyoung (

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