May 11, 2024

IQOS hands-on: Heat, instead of burn

PUBLISHED : August 21, 2017 - 14:21

UPDATED : August 24, 2017 - 09:27

  • 본문폰트 작게
  • 본문폰트 크게
  • 페이스북
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[THE INVESTOR] Editor’s note -- A few of us at The Investor tried out Philip Morris’ IQOS smokeless cigarettes. Here’s a product review.

First of all, what is IQOS, or I Quit Ordinary Smoking? For those who don’t know, the device consists of a charger, a holder and of course, cigarettes. The holder goes into the charger, and when it’s ready to go, you stick specially designed cigarettes called “heets” or “heatsticks” into the end of the holder. After that, it’s the same as smoking a normal cigarette. 

The mechanism is pretty simple, too. There’s a ceramic blade inside the holder, and this is what heats up the heets. They come in various flavors -- Amber, Silver, Green and Blue. Amber tastes like burnt corn, silver a bit more ashy, while green is menthol and blue, the latest, has a cool aftertaste. 

The holder is timed, meaning you can smoke for a maximum six minutes, or 14 puffs. It vibrates to let you know when you’re done. Once it vibrates, you are usually allowed two more puffs. When we tried it, it was hard to make it last for six minutes -- at most, we got around three minutes, but people say this depends on what type of smoker you are.

Simple as this may sound, it is still a bit of a hassle compared to just lighting up a conventional cigarette. You need to have the charger with you at all times to make sure your holder doesn’t run out of power. After about 20 heets, you have to clean the holder to make sure there’s no residue, which can clog up the device.

Another word of caution, the cigarette sticks can be quite hot immediately after a smoke, so take care not to hold the end that was stuck in the holder, or wait a bit before you take it out.

There’s also the issue of not being able to chain-smoke, but it takes only about a minute or two for the holder to be charged after a smoke, so that didn’t seem too bad.

The upside -- and this is a best part – is the smell, or the lack thereof. The smoke itself seems pretty watered-down compared to normal cigarettes -- it leaves a kind of watery, fishy smell that’s still better than ordinary cigarette smoke. And best of all, it doesn’t leave any stink on your hands. It also leaves the palate relatively cleaner, we felt. There’s also no ash, meaning you can smoke without having to find a place to flick your butt.

The fatigue you feel from smoking conventional cigarettes is also significantly reduced. In addition, the nicotine kicks in pretty fast, unlike other e-cigarettes, so while the effect is the same, it feels less heavy. 

IQOS lounge

And because IQOS is supposed to be a chic new way to smoke, it comes with a whole load of accessories. There are the sleek leather cases, and there are holder caps different colors to customize whichever way you want. The accessories are available online, and also at IQOS Flagship Stores, currently in the Gwanghwamun and Gangnam areas. The stores run service lounges where smokers can come “heat up,” and also swap their IQOS stories. 

Last but not least, IQOS is supposed to have cut down on harmful carcinogenic substances -- by up to 90 percent, according to Philip Morris -- and research says they are lower in concentration than those found in the smoke of conventional cigarettes. In Korea, health authorities are now examining the product to see if they can call the tobacco company’s bluff.

Critics say smoking heets can be just as bad, or even worse, than normal cigarettes. The bottom line is, IQOS can be a healthier alternative to smoking, but it still can’t beat quitting cold turkey. The Investor will be reporting on how the authorities rule on IQOS here as soon as they make an announcement.

By The Investor (

  • 페이스북
  • sms